I’m a copywriter turned certified digital marketing specialist in strategy and planning with over 3 years of experience in the industry. After graduating summa cum laude with a BA degree in communication, I wrote human, honest, and helpful brand copy for small businesses across various industries: health and wellness, personal care, hospitality, fashion, and professional services, among others. I also had the privilege of leading a team of copywriters, training them on the art🖌 and science🧪 of brand and content strategy. Today, I develop marketing plans and systems for coaches, course creators, and digital entrepreneurs. 🧠 Fun fact: I like to call myself the “Cheerleader of Creatives” because I delight in encouraging multi-passionate people to share their work with the world. 🎉 Outside my 8-5, I cheerlead for creatives through my newsletter and blog on the art of creative living, compassionate productivity, and lifelong learning. I’m a big believer in the magic of writing and learning in public, so I try to ship daily atomic posts.

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Editor of Hal Studio
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I write about creative living, compassionate productivity & lifelong learning✨Sign up for my free newsletter: https://www.kishly.cc